Succession Planning and Top Team Development
The Project:
Client Confidential
The Client:
Our client is a global brand consumer business which operates in a highly competitive marketplace. They were looking at expansion, new technology and new markets. We were called in by the CEO and Board to look at both Succession Planning and Top Team Development.
This was an intense piece of work – timetabled over a period of three months. It involved many interviews, report writing and board reports, with detailed in person follow ups with the CEO and Board. The Board wanted input on identifying potential leaders and wanted an unbiased, confidential voice. We were mindful to make all our meetings confidential and to have a pre-set open agenda with all participants. As this was confidential and we were party to market sensitive information, we signed a companywide Non-Disclosure Agreement before commencing the work.
Given that succession planning must be founded on some core principles, including transparency, fairness and equity, we were keen for our process to allow key stakeholders an opportunity to engage with us throughout the process. The Board felt fairness was far more likely to be genuinely achieved by instructing an external partner such as Moon, as that was more likely to help remove any implicit biases that may become a factor in key decisions.
We built in regular checkbacks and discussion forums to assess the effectiveness of any actions taken as we moved along the process. We agreed a set timetable, process and clear questions which the Board approved. The CEO sent a personal message to each person involved, and we conducted confidential interviews. We were clear with all participants at the outset that any potentially sensitive information would only be presented to Board with their consent. Thus in this way, we built in honesty, trust and transparency in all our conversations.
Following our exploratory conversations, we provided detailed reports compromising individual strengths and areas for development to the Board, and then had a face-to-face review. We were able to offer key career advice, and as a result have a say in assessing and advising on individual development.
The Succession Planning project led to Top Team development plans, where we were tasked with drawing out latent talent areas as well as assessing each member of the Senior Leadership Team thoroughly in terms of their own personal development requirements and their Board readiness.
We concluded by writing a comprehensive Insights Report on each individual. We advocated that all participants were given access to their reports, and that we were present to disseminate this information and talk through the implications for their development at key meetings.
Vanessa Moon Founding Director, who led on the project comments:
‘This was a fascinating project to undertake as it gave us an extra insight into the business, their key drivers, strengths, and opportunities. This was hugely rewarding for us here at Moon, as we have supported a lot of their senior Board appointments in the past, so knew many of the individuals involved. In my opinion, key to the success of this process was understanding the need to draw out the requirements for each role prior to assessing the skills sets of the individuals.’
Simon Quinn Director further comments:
‘The need for a new thinking since the pandemic has brought leadership effectiveness into sharp focus for many organisations. I am proud of how we instilled trust into the process from the outset and I was delighted to see participants approach things openly and honestly – this led to some very positive actions being taken by the Board and I look forward to watching their success in the coming months!’
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